Friday, September 26, 2014

Go After Your Dreams--Entry 2

This week has been very enlightening for me.  I was able to study some wonderful lectures about finding my calling, following my dreams, and even created my fifty item bucket list.  There were a few things that stood out to me during my videos and readings to study this week.  One was from the talk by Jeffrey A. Thompson called, What is Your Calling in Life, “Think back on your childhood.  It may bring to mind something that you are good at.  To help you find your spiritual gifts.”  This stuck out to me because when I heard it I immediately started to think of the things that I realized I was good at as a kid.  Some examples of these were: I was good at bossing my siblings around, I was and still am a quick learner in hands on work, I loved and still do love to read, and I loved to make up stories.  When I thought of these things, it helped me reevaluate what I want to do with my life.

Another thing that popped out to me was from the eCorner video with Tom Kelley called, “Using Your Whole Brain” and he spoke about the Tortoise Brain.  I liked this a lot because it helped explain to me why I have the strangest dreams with amazing ideas coming out of them frequently.  I’m sure there is more going on than my “tortoise brain” working in the background of my mind and revealing things in story form in a dream.  However, this really enticed me to look again at the dreams I have kept record of and decide if there are any that are worthy ideas for a story of some sort for my dream of becoming an author. 

The last thing that I really think helped me is a reaffirmation of failing and being willing to fail.  I’ve heard of people who have framed their first failed business license or their first rejection letter from an agent or publisher because it helps them to remember that failure is only one step into achieving their dreams.  In the eCorner video with Tom Kelley called, “Treating Life as an Experiment”, he says, “You have to be prepared for some stuff to fail.”  This is my reaffirmation that it is always okay to fail at things in life.  I don’t want to be a failure at everything I try, but I really am willing to fail or be rejected in some things because I can learn what I did wrong.  As I start to work on my bucket list of fifty items, I know that some of those things will possibly end in many failures.  I will just have to get up, dust off, and move through the failure to succeed.

Video Clips: What is Your Calling in Life? by Jeffrey Thompson
                      Treat Life as an Experiment by Tom Kelley
                     Using Your Whole Brain by Tom Kelley

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